Thursday, February 12, 2009

Update on Peyton Sophia

Davin and I went for my 35-week appointment yesterday and everything is just going wonderfully with the baby. She is positioned, but still has not dropped although the doctor thinks she will sometime in week 36 or 37. Our doctor ordered a sonogram for this Monday at 8:00am to check the baby's weight and length, so that will be very exciting to find out! I am now going weekly to the doctor so she can start checking my progression towards labor and she says as long as the baby seems ready and my body seems ready, once I hit 38 weeks, she will induce my labor whenever. I have to be induced again for two reasons: the number ONE reason being that I have Group B Strep and I must be in the hospital receiving penicillin intravenously when my water breaks in order to safeguard the baby from the bacteria, and number two because I am having such back problems with my two broken ribs and my thoracic ruptured disc. SO.....that's why I'm being induced in case any of you are wondering. I will hit 38 weeks on March 5 so I'm shooting for an inducement date of Monday, March 9!!! Her birth date would be 03/09/09...isn't that neat?!?! I wanted to try to make it to March 18 since that is her Papaw's birthday, but I just can't. I don't think Papaw will mind though. :)I think that would be a neat birth date for her since Hayden's is pretty cool too (01/27/07)! I should be able to confirm that new due date within the next week or so, once I go back to the doctor and she assesses my progress. I have my pain management appointment tomorrow at 9:15 for my back so I'll let you all know how that goes too! We will also find out tomorrow whether we are going to have another niece or our first nephew since Amber and Carson will find out the sex of their baby who is due on July 10! LOTS of babies coming this year! Hope you are all doing well!