Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby Peyton Update

Hi everyone. I had another appointment this morning with my OBGYN and she gave me the results to the gestational diabetes test and of course everything was no diabetes here! Great news! Not so great is that I am pretty much stuck with my back pain until the baby gets here because all I'm going to do is continue to stretch so my muscles will likely continue to tear and my ruptured disc will continue to have pressure put on it. I'm going to only take pain medication at night (like I have been doing) so it can help me sleep and then the doctor thinks I may very likely need to have some physical therapy after Peyton gets here to help heal my back faster. I think it will probably be fine and everything will heal on its own once Peyton is born, but maybe I'm wrong. Also, my hemoglobin came back at a 5.5 so my anemia has gotten very bad, so I have been put on prescription iron again, which also isn't very shocking. I'm anemic anyway, so naturally it's bound to get worse, the further along my pregnancy progresses. Even though I was put on a prescription pre-natal vitamin with extra iron in it already, I still need more iron, so the doctor gave me six months worth of prescription iron. Anyway, Peyton is doing great and that's all that matters to me so the appointment went very well! I go back in two weeks and then, in February we will start to think about my due date, since I will definitely be induced again.
In other news, Angel, Erica, and Ashley all came over and took complete care of me last night while Davin is gone. They picked Hayden up from daycare, got dinner, fed Hayden, bathed him, played with him and hung out with me because they don't want me by myself with Hayden while Davin is gone. They are AWESOME! I am so lucky to have such wonderful, selfless friends! I love you girls! Davin is in Orlando getting ready for the weekend show at the Sportsmen/Outdoorsmen event where they have a booth. Hayden and I sure to miss him and can't wait to see him next Monday! Luckily, work has been nuts for me this week, so that is making this week go by very fast, so it should be Monday before I know it! Well, that's all for now, I hope you all have a great week!