Sunday, October 26, 2008

Missing Daddy!!!!

Hi everyone! This has been a weird few days here! Davin has been gone a lot lately working, but I think this is the longest consecutive amount of time he has been gone. Hayden and I basically haven't seen Davin since Monday and he won't be home until late tomorrow night or Tuesday! We miss him bunches!!! Every time Hayden sees a white truck he screams, "DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He is such a Daddy's boy! Ashley, Hayden and I went to look for fabric for Peyton's room this weekend and we had no luck! I just haven't found anything I really like yet. I absolutely HATE pink (those of you who really know me already know that)and of course Davin isn't a fan so we are really trying to find a pretty pale yellow and pale pink (just a few accents, not too much pink and not that Pepto Bismol or Fuchsia color!) pattern of some kind and it's very hard because everything is either PINK AND GREEN or PINK AND BROWN!!!! Jeez!!!! Hopefully Davin will be able to go with us next weekend to look and we'll have better luck! I am going to my doctor tomorrow for my monthly check-up and to go over last week's big sonogram so I'll let you know how all that goes. Hayden is just a handful and let me tell you, when you are five months pregnant, stressed from work and school, and just plain tired...he is very hard to keep up with by myself! He is just the sweetest thing though so it's hard to stay irritated with him for very long! Well, speaking of the little monkey, he is getting restless and wants to go finish Mary Poppins so I guess that's what I'm going to go do now! Ha!
Love to you all!

Here's a few pics from our weekend...Hayden got to see where Uncle John works this weekend when he and Ashley and I took dinner out to the firefighters! He was amazed by the big trucks!

Swinging with Mommy!

Swinging at the park!

He's not too sure about this big truck....

Hayden with Uncle John at the firehouse!

His cute shirt from Mimi...he was not in a good mood yet; he just woke up from his nap!