Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peyton is 8 MONTHS OLD!

Peyton turned 8 months old yesterday (11/9/09)!!!! It seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital with her...time flies!!! She's getting so big and really coming into her own personality. She LOVES to smile for the camera, she is getting TONS of light brown hair (that looks a lot like her Daddy's), and she picks up toys with her feet. She is still crawling like a soldier and I guess she will continue to until she learns how to walk. She did get Roseola over the weekend and had a yucky rash because of it but she's feeling much better now. Her first Thanksgiving and first Christmas is coming up soon!!! This is our first Christmas together a our complete family of four; we are soooo looking forward to it! OMG, then Peyton will be celebrating her FIRST BIRTHDAY before we know it....right after Hayden turns THREE!!! Holy cow!!! Anyway, here are some 8 month pics below for you to enjoy.

Love to you all,

I'm 8 months old!!!!
Holding her rattle with her toes...monkey feet!

SOOO cute with Aunt Erica


Denisha said...

I love that face! I can't believe how big she is getting so fast! We love you guys!