Monday, May 11, 2009

Teeny Tiny Peyton

I took Peyton to the doc this morning for her first round of shots and she was NOT a fan at all! I am fairly certain that her scream while getting the shots probably deafened the entire medical office! Ha! For someone so tiny, she is SOOOOO loud! She is 22 inches long (60% for her age), her head circumference is 39 1/2 cm (around 50%--so we shouldn't have any head size problems with her like we did Hayden), and she weighs 9lbs, 7 oz (which is below 20%). The doctor was not very happy about her weight, but she was encouraged that she has at least gained some even though she is not where she would like her to be...she should weigh around 11-12 lbs to fall right at about average, but she may just be a small little girl. The doc wants our GI doc to give his opinion about her weight when we go see him this Wednesday at 2:30 and if he isn't happy with her weight, he may run some tests and/or add some meds to what she is already taking for the GERD and colic. Anyway, she's resting in her swing now and I'm doing more laundry so all is well! I hope all of the mamas had a GREAT day yesterday...I sure did!
Love to you all,
S :)

Mother's Day 2009--Cox Fam