Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Camryn Faith Joachim!

I have been a very lack-luster blogger lately, I know. I am getting ready to start my Teacher Certification Classes on July 9th (they last from July 9th through July 17th), so I have been preoccupied with filling out applications every single day and going to teaching job fairs at every turn! I need a J-O-B!!! I just want to start teaching! Hopefully after I finish these classes and take my exams, I will have a teaching job by the time school starts in August!

Anyway, our youngest niece Camryn Faith, turned 1 on July 1st! I can't believe it's already been a year since she was born! Time really is flying by and I don't like it! We can't wait to celebrate Camryn's birthday and her big sister, Addison's 3rd birthday in a few weeks! We love you girls!