Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to Davin, Daddy,Denzil and Caw-Caw! You are all wonderful fathers and I hope you all had great days!! Hayden left us yesterday to spend a week in Arkansas with Mimi and Papaw and then he is going to Honey and Poppy's for a week while we are on our vacation in Italy so yesterday was a bit of a bittersweet Father's Day at our house! Basically I cried all day and Davin spent HIS day trying to make me feel better....nice, huh? I miss my baby so much! I have only spent, AT MOST, two nights away from him since he was born, so being away from him for two weeks is going to be just a little difficult! On the the other hand, he will have a blast with his grandparents and Davin and I will have a fabulous 5th wedding anniversary trip! Anyway, Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!
We love you guys!

Hayden and Daddy

Hayden and Poppy

Hayden and Papaw